Monday, November 12, 2007

My dress!

My mom came in this past weekend and we went out on the search for a wedding dress. What I thought would turn out to be a tearful day actually went really well! See, I tend to have pretty expensive taste and my mom just wasn't willing to pay a ton of money for a wedding dress. So I was afraid I wouldn't even find one that I liked and that was in her price range. It was quite on the contrary....I fell i love with the first one I tried on. We hadn't even looked at the price yet. I prepared myself as a picked up the tag then let out a sigh of relief. The dress looks like it would cost $1,000 but was only $550! Score! Of course I tried on several more after that just in case I found something I liked better. This wasn't the style I thought I wanted. From the beginning I wanted one with a big poofy bottom, no beading and no lace. I saw it in a magazine and wanted my mom to make one like it. And It was gorgeous! But I just kept thinking about the first one I tried on. So the next morning we just went and put the money down for it and ordered it. YAY! So here it is!

1 comment:

Shell Mitchell said...

Love the dress. What a pretty bride you will be!